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Seminars & Lectures
* TITLE Heavy Quark Observables in Gauge/Gravity Duality
Name Affiliation E-mail
Dimitrios Giatagana NCTS dimitrios.giataganas(at)gmail.com
* HOST(Applicant)
Name Affiliation E-mail
Eunyoung Choi APCTP eunyoung.choi(at)apctp.org
* DATE / TIME 2015-12-28, 13:00
We introduce a general formalism for heavy quark observables in confining and non-confining gravity dual theories. These include the computation of the Langevin diffusion coefficients of a in the deconfined phase, and the properties of the QCD flux tumoving quark be formed in a heavy meson in the confining phase. We focus mostly on their universal properties among the different theories and discuss their implications.
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