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Seminars & Lectures
* TITLE Charged Q-ball Dark Matter from $B$ and $L$ direction
Name Affiliation E-mail
Jeong-Pyong Hong The University of Tokyo
* HOST(Applicant)
Name Affiliation E-mail
Eunyoung Choi APCTP eunyoung.choi(at)apctp.org
* DATE / TIME 2016-10-18, 11am, 512 Seminar room, APCTP
We consider nearly equal number of gauge mediation type charged (anti-) Q-balls with charge of $\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\pm\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\alpha^{-1}\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\simeq\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\pm137$ well before the BBN epoch and discussed how they evolve in time. We found that ion-like objects with electric charges of $+O(1)$ are likely to become relics in the present universe, which we expect to be the dark matter. These are constrained by various experiments including MICA, where the trail of heavy atom-like or ion-like object in $10^9$ years old ancient mica crystals is not observed. We found that the allowed region for gauge mediation model parameter and reheating temperature have to be smaller than the case of the neutral Q-ball dark matter.
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