Online (Via Zoom: workshop link to be posted soon!)
September 25 (Fri), 2020 9:00am ~ 5:00pm Overview and Topics
The capability of understanding quantum entanglement and harnessing it for engineering of novel quantum materials and devices is a key element for the era of quantum science and technology. Development of new computational and experimental tools and concepts to understand such entanglement-related phenomena are essential, which may also enlarge our understanding of strongly correlated and condensed matter systems. In this mini-workshop we would like to invite researchers at the forefront of researches in quantum entanglement and strongly correlated and/or topological quantum materials, to provide chances to bridge different research directions, and to introduce new research directions in the study of quantum systems. Especially we would like to focus on; Correlated electron/spin systems (including but not limited to quantum spin liquids), topological materials, tensor network and its applications, and quantum information science.Organizers Taejin Lee, Hunpyo Lee, and Heung-Sik Kim (Kangwon Nat’l Univ.) Invited Speakers Dong-Hee Kim (GIST) Bohm-Jung Yang (Seoul Nat’l Univ.) Eun-Gook Moon (KAIST) Moonjoo Lee (POSTECH) Ara Go (Chonnam Nat’l Univ.) Jaehong Jeong (IBS-CCES, SNU) Choong Hyun Kim (IBS-CCES, SNU) (Talks will be given in Korean.) Contact Heung-Sik Kim (heungsikim@kangwon.ac.kr, +82-33-250-8461) Sponsor ![]() |