9:20 ~ 10:00am: 문은국 교수님 (KAIST)
Title: "Topological Phase Transitions in Kitaev Quantum Spin Liquids"
10:00 ~ 10:40am: 고아라 교수님 (전남대)
Title: "Local correlation and multiplets in three band models: dynamical mean-field analysis at low temperatures"
10:40 ~ 11:20am: 김동희 교수님 (GIST)
Title: "Typical growth behavior of the out-of-time-ordered correlator in many-body localized systems"
2:00 ~ 2:40pm: 양범정 교수님 (서울대)
Title: "Topological superconductivity in centrosymmetric magnetic metals"
2:40 ~ 3:20pm: 김충현 박사님 (IBS, 서울대)
Title: "Spin-orbit coupling and van Hove singularity in the Hund's metallicity of Sr2RuO4"
(20분 중간 휴식)
3:40 ~ 4:20pm: 정재홍 박사님 (IBS, 서울대)
Title: "Search for new Kitaev spin liquid candidates: d7 Jeff=1/2 Co compounds"
4:20 ~ 5:00pm: 이문주 교수님 (POSTECH)
Title: TBA
(Talk will be about quantum computation with trapped ions)