Webinar by ZOOM and Ewha Womans University
10:30 - 17:45 (KST), 2020. 08. 12.
Topics related to gravity and cosmology
Inyong Cho (Seoul National University of Science and Technology) Gungwon Kang (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) Hyeong-Chan Kim (Korea National University of Transportation) Kyoung-Yee Kim (Inje University) Sang-Pyo Kim (Gunsan National University) Sung-Won Kim (Ewha Womans University) Chang-Hwan Lee (Pusan National University) Hyung Won Lee (Inje University) Seokcheon Lee (Sungkyunkwan University) Wonwoo Lee (CQUeST, Sogang University) John J. Oh (NIMS) Bogeun Gwak (Dongguk University)
Invited Speakers
Chunglee Kim (Ewha Womans University) "Multimessenger Astronomy and Hubble Constant" Dong-Hoon Kim (Seoul National University) "Perturbation of Light due to Gravitational Waves" Sung-Won Kim (Ewha Womans University) "Creation and Annihilation of Wormhole in Dark Energy Driven Universe" Seyen Kouwn (Sogang University) "f(T) Cosmology" Hyung Won Lee (Inje University) "Gravitational Wave Data Analysis" Jae-Weon Lee (Jungwon University) "Gravity from Quantum Entanglement" Wonwoo Lee (Sogang University) "Rotating Black Hole and Shadow Cast" Chan Park (NIMS) "Gravitational Wave Observation by Gauge Invariant Measure of Light" Mu-In Park (Sogang University) ''My Research Overview: Future Directions" ZOOM Webinar After your registration, we will send ZOOM address to participate our workshop. Please change your user name to Name(Affiliation) in ZOOM. Contact Bogeun Gwak (Dongguk University): rasenis@dgu.ac.kr Hyoeun Lee (APCTP): hyoeun.lee@apctp.org Sponsor ![]() |