The 59th Workshop on Gravity and Cosmology
August 12 (Wed), 2020
■ Program
    The 59th Workshop on Gravity and Cosmology at 8/12 

    Chair: Bogeun Gwak (Dongguk University)

    10:30-10:45 Opening
    10:45-11:20 Hyung Won Lee (Inje University)
    10:45-11:20 "Gravitational Wave Data Analysis"
    11:20-11:55 Jae-Weon Lee (Jungwon University)
    11:20-11:55 "Gravity from Quantum Entanglement"
    11:55-12:30 Seyen Kouwn (CQUeST, Sogang University)
    11:55-12:30 "f(T) Cosmology"

    12:30-14:00 Lunch

    Chair: Mu-In Park (Sogang University)

    14:00-14:35 Chunglee Kim (Ewha Womans University)
    14:00-14:35 "Multimessenger Astronomy and Hubble Constant"
    14:35-15:10 Dong-Hoon Kim (Seoul National University)
    14:35-15:10 "Perturbation of light due to gravitational waves"
    15:10-15:45 Chan Park (NIMS)
    15:10-15:45 "Gravitational Wave Observation by Gauge Invariant Measure of Light"

    15:45-16:00: Break

    Chair: Chunglee Kim (Ewha Womans University)

    16:00-16:35 Mu-In Park (Sogang University)
    16:00-16:35 "My Research Overview: Future Directions"
    16:35-17:10 Wonwoo Lee (CQUeST, Sogang University)
    16:35-17:10 "Rotating Black Hole and Shadow Cast"
    17:10-17:45 Sung-Won Kim (Ewha Womans University)
    17:10-17:45 "Creation and Annihilation of Wormhole in Dark Energy Driven Universe"