Tensor Network States
October 15 (Tue), 2019 ~ October 17 (Thu), 2019
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    APCTP Headquarters, Pohang

    October 15 (Tue), 2019 ~ October 17 (Thu), 2019

    After the density matrix renormalization group method encountered
    the quantum information theory, tensor network states become a powerful
    theoretical tool to study quantum collective phenomena.
    Most popular tensor networks are the matrix product state (MPS),
    the multi-scale entanglement renormalization ansatz (MERA),
    and the projected entangled-pair states (PEPS). These tensor network states
    are used by many prominent Researchers as the basis for variational approaches
    to many-body systems.

    This workshop will focus on the recent developments on tensor
    network based algorithms and applications. It will host the
    discussion of current problems and developments among the leading
    researchers, aiming to promote interactions between selected
    fields from statistical mechanics to condensed matter physics.

    Nowadays so many topics are basically related to tensor networks. 
    Specifically, we are covering the following topics in this workshop.

    1. Density Matrix Renormalization Group
    2. Applications of PEPS for Frustrated Magnetic Systems
    3. Spin Liquid
    4. Quantum Machine Learning

    The program will be carried out by pedagogical lectures, and later research talks.

    Myung-Hoon Chung (Hongik University) (mhchung@hongik.ac.kr)
    Ji-Woo Lee (Myongji University) (jwlee@mju.ac.kr) 

    Invited Lecturers
    Ying-Jer Kao (National Taiwan University)
    Hyunyong Lee (University of Tokyo)
    Miles Stoudenmire (Flatiron Institute)

    Invited Speakers
    Dong-Hee Kim (GIST)
    Ji-Woo Lee (Myongji University)

    Myung-Hoon Chung (mhchung@hongik.ac.kr) 
    Hyoeun Lee (hyoeun.lee@apctp.org), 82-054-279-1358
