Oct. 15 (Tuesday): Workshop start at 9 : 30
9 : 00 - 9 : 30 breakfast and coffee, registration and opening
Prof. Kao : DMRG in details
2 hours in the morning
2 : 00 pm Prof. Kao : 2 hours in the afternoon
Dr. Stoudenmire : 1 hour for additional review for DMRG
Oct. 16 (Wednesday):
9 : 30 am Dr. Lee : PEPS in details
1 and 1/2 hour, break, 1 and 1/2 hour in the morning
2 : 00 pm Dr. Stoudenmire : Machine Learning with Tensor Networks
1 and 1/2 hour, break, 1 and 1/2 hour in the afternoon
Oct. 17 (Thursday):
9 : 30 am Prof. Dong-Hee Kim : 1 hour seminar
Prof. Ji-Woo Lee : 1 hour seminar
End and Lunch