Quantum Information Theory of Fermionic Gaussian States
Free fermion Hamiltonians, namely, Hamiltonians with quadratic fermion terms, are analytically solvable and their ground and thermal states fall into the class of states called Gaussian states. I introduce the basics of free fermion systems from the perspective of quantum information theory. This lecture is basically for quantum information researchers, so no knowledge on condensed matter theory is assumed. I'll derive (almost) all mathematical formulas so that the lecture is essentially self-contained. The lecture will be given on the blackboard. Lecture 1: Free fermion systems Wed 28 Nov 10:30 ~ 12:00 Reference : cond-mat/0212631, cond-mat/0206196, Nucl. Phys. 15, 89 (1960)
Lecture 2: Entanglement entropy Thu 29 Nov 10:30 ~ 12:00 Reference : quant-ph/0108010, quant-ph/0404180
Lecture 3: Entanglement area law Fri 30 Nov 9:00 ~ 10:30 Reference : quant-ph/0503219
Lecture 4: Symmetry-protected topological order Fri 30 Nov 14:00 ~ 15:30 Reference : cond-mat/0010440, arXiv:0909.2654, arXiv:1706.01637