Liouville, Integrability and Branes (11)
September 03 (Thu), 2015 ~ September 13 (Sun), 2015
■ Program
    Jinbeom Bae                           superconformal bootstrap (1, 2) 
    Dongsu Bak                            topological twisting in d>4
    Kangsin Choi                           elliptic fibration (1, 2)
    Michael Douglas                      geometry of F-theory compactification
    Frank Ferrari                           4d N=1 super Yang-Mills theory (1, 2, 3, 4)
    Andreas Gustavsson                topological twisting in d=4
    Jonathan Heckman                  6d superconformal field theories (1, 2)
    Stefan Hohenegger                  string scattering amplitudes (1, 2)
    Amer Iqbal                              refined topological vertices  (1, 2)
    Francisco Morales                    K3 fibration (1, 2)
    Francisco Morales                    4d N=2 super Yang-Mills theories (1, 2) 
    Soo-Jong Rey                          supergravity of F-theory compactifications (1, 2)
    Dario Rosa                              localization from topological gravity
    Alessandro Tomasiello              holography of superconformal field theories (1, 2, 3)
    Anderson Trimm                      compactification of superconformal field theories (1,2)