Nov. 18 (Wed) Gary Shiu (University of Wisconsin-Madison) G.Shiu.pdf "Quantum Gravity and the Swampland" Nakwoo Kim (Kyung Hee U) "An explicit construction of dS spacetime in string theory" David Kubiznak (PI) D.Kubiznak.pdf "Lower-dimensional Gauss-Bonnet gravity: Theory and solutions" Yuya Kusuki (YITP) Y.Kusuki.pdf Lecture1,2 "Codimension two holography for wedges" Jae-Hyuk Oh (Hangyang U) J.Oh.pdf "4-point function from conformally coupled scalar in AdS_6" Wontae Kim (Sogang U) W.Kim.pdf "Thermal radiation of de Sitter space in the semiclassical JT model" Nov. 19(Thu) Rong-Gen Cai (ITP, CAS) R.Cai.pdf "No inner horizon for black holes with charged scalar hairs" Young-Hwan Hyun (KISTI) "The EOB model for black hole scattering and its numerical analysis" Chan Park (NIMS) "Observation of Gravitational Waves by Light Polarization" Naritaka Oshita (PI) N.Oshita.pdf "Cosmological consequences of quantum black holes" Kanghoon Lee (APCTP) K.Lee.pdf "The Classical Double Copy for M-theory from a Kerr-Schild Ansatz for Exceptional Field Theory" Jeong-Hyuck Park (Sogang U) J.Park.pdf "String Theory and non-Riemannian Geometry" Junggi Yoon (KIAS) J.Yoon.pdf "Unitarity of Entanglement and Islands in Two-Sided Janus Black Holes" Gabor Sarosi (CERN) G.Sarosi.pdf "Geometric secret sharing in a model of Hawking radiation" Nov. 20(Fri) Donghui Jeong (Penn State U) D.Jeong.pdf "Two science cases with the CMB B-mode polarization: Hubble tension and LQC prediction" Miok Park (KIAS) M.Park.pdf "Two faces of thermodynamics of dyonic Taub-NUT-AdS spacetime" Viktor Jahnke (GIST) V.Jahnke.pdf "Holographic teleportation protocol in higher dimensions" Norihiro Iizuka (Osaka U) "Islands and the Page curve in asymptotically flat spacetime black holes" Wonwoo Lee (Sogang U) "Shadow cast by a rotating black hole" Seokcheon Lee (Sungkyunkwan U) S.Lee.pdf "Cosmology with minimally extended varying speed of light (meVSL)" Jaiyul Yoo (University of Zurich) J.Yoo.pdf "Are we ready for precision cosmology? Relativistic effects on measurements of the primordial non-Gaussianity" Masahide Yamaguchi (Tokyo Institute of Technology) M.Yamaguchi.pdf "Cosmological Perturbations in Palatini Formalism" |