Centum Premier Hotel, Busan, Korea
August 20 (Mon), 2018 ~ August 24 (Fri), 2018
Exchange workshops between Asia Pacific Center for
Theoretical Physics (APCTP) and Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical
Physics (BLTP) of Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) have been held in
the last 11 consecutive years by
the two institutions, and other related institutions, alternately.
Under the support of APCTP and JINR, the series of workshops has been successful
in both human relationships and scientific interactions. This year we are very
pleased to announce that the workshop in 2018 will be held at Busan, the maritime capital of Korea full of
excitement and joy, and Korea's top summer vacation destination. Celebrating
the success of the exchange program thus far and wishing long-lasting
friendship between the scientists in the Asian-Pacific region, we invite physicists from the member countries of APCTP. We kindly ask those who
are interested in attending this workshop to register through the workshop website not later than April 30, 2018. This workshop is based on invitation and the number of participants can be limited.
Topics 1. Hadron Physics a) Light and Heavy Hadron spectroscopy, Exotics, Reactions, and
Lattice QCD b) Hadrons in medium and finite temperature 2. Nuclear Physics Few-body systems, Unstable nuclei,
hypernuclei, Nuclear reactions, EOS and neutron stars, Explosive phenomena in
universe 3. Facilities RAON, NICA, J-PARC, RIKEN, SPring-8, RCNP, KEK, JLAB, heavy ion accelerators and detectors 4. Standard
Model and beyond (for nuclear
and high energy physics) a) Strong interaction: Perturbative and non-perturbative aspects of QCD, effective
theories, Chiral symmetry violation
and restoration in hot/dense nuclear matter, New properties of
quark-gluon plasma b) Electroweak Theory 5.
Dark Matter and Dark Energy
Organizers Wooyoung Kim (Co-chairman, Kyungpook National Univ., Korea) Chang-Hwan Lee (Co-chairman, Pusan National Univ., Korea) Nikolai Kochelev (Co-chairman, BLTP, JINR, Russia) Yongseok Oh (Kyungpook National Univ., Korea) Hee-Jung Lee (Chungbuk National Univ., Korea) Victor Voronov (BLTP, JINR, Russia) Alexey Gladyshev (BLTP, JINR, Russia) Sergei Bondarenko (BLTP, JINR, Russia) Atsushi Hosaka (RCNP, Japan) Pengming Zhang (IMP, CAS, Lanzhou, China) International Advisory Committee Emiko Hiyama (RIKEN, Japan) Byungsik Hong (Korea Univ., Korea) Chang Ho Hyun (Daegu Univ., Korea) Dmitri Kazakov (BLTP, JINR, Russia) Hyun-Chul Kim (Inha Univ., Korea) Victor Kim (PNPI NRC KI & SPbPU, Russia) Youngman Kim (Institute for Basic Science, Korea) Jie Meng (Peking Univ., China) Seung-il Nam (Pukyong National Univ., Korea) Makoto Oka (TIT, Japan) Qiang Zhao (IHEP, China) Shan-Gui Zhou (ITP, CAS, Beijing, China) Bing-Song Zou (ITP, CAS, Beijing, China) 등록 페이지 (Korean participants only) 아래 페이지를 방문하시어 등록비를 가능한 이른 시일에 납부하여 주시기 바랍니다. Contact Scientific secretary, Hee-Jung Lee (hjl@cbnu.ac.kr) Sponsors ![]() ![]() ![]() |