Monday 8/20 |
| Session 1 (Convener: C.-H. Lee) |
8:15 AM | Registration |
8:45 AM | Welcome remarks | Yunkyu Bhang (President of APCTP) |
9:00 AM | The complex configuration effects in the nuclear structure problems 1-1-Voronov.ppt | Victor Voronov (JINR) |
9:30 AM | Production of neutron-rich heavy and superheavy nuclei in multinucleon transfer reactions 1-2-Karpov.pptx | Alexander Karpov (JINR) |
10:00 AM | Probing high momentum protons and neutrons in asymmetric nuclei 1-3-Wooyoung Kim.pptx | Wooyoung Kim (Kyungpook Nat. Univ.) |
10:30 AM | Coffee Break |
11:00 AM | Effects of tensor forces from ab initio calculations 1-4-Meng.ppt | Jie Meng (Peking Univ.) |
11:30 AM | Toy model for nuclei 1-5-Shin.pptx | Ghi Ryang Shin (Andong Nat. Univ.) |
12:00 PM | Lunch |
| Session 2 (Convener: S. Ershov) |
2:00 PM | Gravitational waves and tidal deformability of neutron stars 2-1-CHLee.pdf | Chang-Hwan Lee (Pusan Nat. Univ.) |
2:30 PM | Particle production by oscillating curvature in R + R2 cosmology 2-2-Arbuzova.pdf | Elena Arbuzova (Dubna St. Univ. and Novosibirsk St. Univ.) |
3:00 PM | Coffee Break |
3:30 PM | Symmetries of the Standard Model 2-3-Gladyshev.pdf | Alexey Gladyshev (JINR) |
4:00 PM | Ground hadron states in composite superconformal string model 2-4-Semenova.pdf | Alla Semenova (NRC KI, PNPI) |
4:30 PM | Double-heavy hadrons from supersymmetric light front holographic QCD 2-5-Liping Zou.pptx | Liping Zou (IMP, CAS) |
4:45 PM | Phase diagram of two-color QCD matter at finite baryon and axial isospin densities 2-6-Chao.pdf | Jingyi Chao (IMP, CAS) |
5:00 PM | Adjourn (approximate) |