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Past Scientific Programs

Optical Microcavities: Quantum Chaos in Open Systems Meets Optical Resonators:3rd Asian-German Workshop

PLACE : MPI-PKS, Dresden,Germany | DATE : 2010-05-17~2010-05-21

PROGRAM : Joint Activities


[JRG] APCTP-KIAS Joint Workshop on Quantum Entanglement and Dynamics in Correlated Many-Body Systems

PLACE : APCTP Headquarters, Pohang | DATE : 2010-05-17~2010-05-21

PROGRAM : Conferences & Workshops

ORGANIZER : Prof. Xin Wan (APCTP/Zhejiang Univ.)


APCTP Focus Program on Cosmology and Fundamental Physics

PLACE : APCTP Headquarters, Pohang | DATE : 2010-05-05~2010-05-16

PROGRAM : Focus Programs

ORGANIZER : Changrim Ahn


String Theory and Cosmology

PLACE : APCTP Seoul Branch Office | DATE : 2010-04-16

PROGRAM : Topical Research Programs


23rd Spring School on Particles and Fields

PLACE : National Cheng-Kung Univ.(NCKU) | DATE : 2010-03-31~2010-04-03

PROGRAM : External Activities

ORGANIZER : Chuan-Hung Chen

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Scientific programs
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